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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Basically weddings in East Lombok are the same as other parts of Lombok. Marriage preceded by the abduction of a bride by groom. Of course, with the agreement and approval of a bride itself. Married in Sasak tribe are called “ Mararik “.Who had been abducted, a bride stay for several days in the home or family of his bride man. Here is the procedure of marriage:

Merangkat is a dinner for both of couple as the beginning of a marriage process in shashak tribe. This event performed on the first night prospective brides woman comes in gubug or Prospective brides men village. Prospective brides eat together accompanied by one person of old woman or one of the family near of grooms ( erst called inaq umbaq ). Said merangkat because food is served uses a single receptacle containing that contains one free-range chicken eggs, a dish of rice, a tail complete with grill roasted chicken with spice.

Sejati is true or truth. Sejati is a process of information addressed to the village government ( village of origin prospective brides woman ) to tell the village chief ( pengamong krame ) later on continued the information head of hamlet or keliang ( pengemban krame / figure customary ).
Information content Sejati that spoken by chief village is: “ There are one of the villagers is named … son/daughter … from village …, that (villagers/prospective bride women) have left this village three days ago with the intention of marrying with the residents of the village ….”.

Notify to prospective bride woman who followed by the habitual and tradition including talks ' Aji Krama ( price customary ) ' consisting of value 33-66-100 with a base judgment money ' kepeng tepong ( coins of ancient perforated ) ' or ' kepeng jamaq (modern money) ',  even sometimes this selabar is  plus with the demand for caregivers, too.

Nuntut Wali atau Get hymeneal guardian
Take the bride guardian,  can be directly performed when selabar or days after selabar. It all depends on agreement of both parties. ' Wali ' this means a witness of marriage from women family.

Rebaq Pucuk or Bait Janji

It means asking the propriety or reasonableness to be charged. This process is a form of process to take the results of the deliberation of the bride's family financial circumstances. This can be carried out any time , After the bride and groom are ready, it has a special because talk about financially. Rebaq Pucuk, Bait Janji, nunas panutan is held by the bride boy who has ready responsible for the signing of the decision.

Sedawuh comes from the word Dawuh which means command. Sedawuh done 7 days prior to the event. Sedawuh-process is implemented by the groom's Party by sending 1 or 2 people to inform about the development or readiness to undergo custom event/custom work and most major thing spoken of is about the Ordinance today (H) that the event day/gawe, custom emblem of aji krame or rule out of aji krame and penyongkolan system and finally third item of custom event has not changed.

Sorong Serah

Sorong it means a motivation and serah means handover. So sorong serah it means an impulse to the parents of a bride to handover or release their son to live in settling down, so that both the bride not attached to their parents anymore. In this the process is readily apparent that the process of the handover of responsibility both parents. This process is the top trial customary marriage to a tribe of shashak, because at this process must be attended by elders, the penglingsir, the village chief from both of bride. the process of hearing customary was highlighted that the two bride declared valid be conjugal and watched by all the guests.


Usually done after or a few days after the wedding ceremony, or even on the same day, the men accompanied the bride's family came to visit the family of the woman who accompanied by relatives and extended family, neighbors and friends of the bride with the use of traditional attire or Gendang Beleq(The Big Drums). “ In the long line of procession, which is so crowded and resembles a Carnival.

 Bales Lampak Nae
This is a tradition at the end of the marriage ceremony the Sasak in Lombok. the parents of the groom will visited house of woman families a day after nyongkolan with to improve hospitality between both families.
That's how the stages of marriage customs in sasak culture. If there are errors please correction.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Travelling to the island lombok feels incomplete without wacthing Lombok traditional games. A cultural tradition of Lombok people which are symbol virility for youth of sasak tribe in Lombok islands. The fighting of two man armed by rattan canes called penyalin. using shield from buffalo hard skin Being and shaped like a rectangle called ende. A natural skill that regenerated by Lombok society as popular game.
(Photo :

Preparation before presean

Preparations by before playing a pepadu a bath at the junction of two rivers meeting times. The process of filling this science called “ bejariq” it’s mean entering a magical powers into the body. Before leaving to fight, pepadu/fighters place will be cleaned the shoulders by his mother with a broom made of kroman or stem of rice. Some restrictions and cause of defeat is believed by pepadu, for example are out to compete when there is a death in the village, dream shower, has a wife, see genitals and breasts of women, met the cleft or the blind.

Presean is also used in the ceremony “ nede” or also called “ngayu-ngayu”, Which aims to call rain. The ceremony was held during the dry season, led by a spiritual figure in the tradition of the sasak called “Mangku”. Master of ceremonies do sacrificial animals with one form of woven, goat or cow as a symbol of sacrifice for god. Participants were invited to the ceremony with a prayer asking that the nature of the rain for them to succeed in farming. The ceremony followed by eating together around spring with special dish arranged in a container named” dulang tinggang “. Container is made of a sheet wood having foot shaped pillars. In a container arranged neat food and fruit.

The Games Arena

Presean broad arena adapted by audience capacity. For games arena takes 12 to 30 m2  limit mark only by  gathered audience lines. Generally arena form in square or rectangles.

Fighter Class

Usually played by at least three pairs of fighters. peresean Fighter class divided into three : teenagers class, adult and  pepadu. In youth class youth called “ beginners “ or “ berajah / ngurukan “ adult class that usually called “ jambu beneq “ or finding candidates pepadu/fighters.

Fighter Equipment

Fighting sticks are made from rattan wood with diameter among 2 cm to 2,5 cm and length 110 cm. Wood rattan this paired with the criteria of the same length and equally strong. For once implementation usually implementer set about 10-15 pairs. Such rattan-cane peresean formed by winding of threads mattress at the base medium to end so that no lubricous and give effect to the punch.
 “ ende“ or shield made of wood and bamboo frame covered with deer skin or cow skin. The size of a shield usually 40 x 60 cm. Among back provided instrument holders of wood to ease in hoisting and driven.
(Photo :


The referee and pekembar is the official in this game. Referee assigned to lead the fight and prescribes rules game and give decision to lose and win. While pekembar is referee assistant to find a rival inter-fighter.


The fighter is said to win if one of the fighters suffered bleeding from his head. blood flow was, if only hurt are not yet to be lost. If no one was hurt among them called “penyampihan” or balanced.
That interesting when one of the presean fighter have caned on head and bieeding/”bocor”, then the audience will cry out “aiq, Aiq, aiq “ which means “ water, water, water”.  That shouting was significantly reduced immediately by the Creator into the earth.

The referee can stop the game, if:
1. the condition of one player is already looking very weak.
2. If presean fighter equipment separate for three times.
3. One of the players surrender called “nge cop”
4. Refree will the referee will rest players if presean Player clothes separate and given the time to put it back.

The game will be longer for regular classes, while for pepadu class 3 rounds 5 rounds, each round about 3 to 5 minutes.

Time For Presean

peresean activities in lombok are usually associated with tradition activities. For example: ruwatan, idependence anniversary and tourism. The event organsers can be group or cultural center, this committee ws formed by government and initiative of community. Now these traditional games event widely supported by various sponsors from tobacco company, motorcycles dealers and the celluler phone dealers. Time is generally lower when the second harvest between August-October and last for 10-14 days.